6 Tips To Sleeping Slim

Surely you know , exercise and diet is the only way to get a slim body and ideal body weight . But not only that . Slim fact can also be obtained through quality sleep and enough . According to medical science , sufficient sleep between 7-8 hours a night . Quality is said by the time you wake up , your body feeling refreshed and ready to undergo daily activities . If you meet these two criteria was that simple , you will not have problems about weight anymore .

 Slim body could certainly get

  How can sleep makes the body so slim ? Allwomenstalk reveals some facts that show that you can slim down with sleep .

Stock hormone cortisol is low 

 When you get enough sleep , the hormone cortisol, which is produced by the body tends to be low . Hormone cortisol itself appears when you stress , lack of sleep or panic , creating a lot of problems in the body , ranging from beauty to health problems problems . But enough sleep will make the body able to suppress the production of the hormone cortisol , so he did not have much chance to trigger hunger , or the desire to overeat.  

Controlling portion sizes 

 Is normal when you wake up with hunger condition . However , the condition of the hungry will make you unable to control your appetite if you are not sleeping enough . You will continue to satisfy the stomach with food until you feel completely satisfied . Whereas when you get enough sleep , stomach will automatically feel full longer . The desire to eat remained there , it's just that there are not too crazy like when you are sleep deprived .  

Better Mood 

 Often grumpy, lazy and do not feel uncomfortable is a sign your body enough rest . When sleep was obtained with enough energy will be automatically filled. If the mood is not usually the easiest escape is food , it's no wonder it if your weight actually increases every mood you're missing . And it was when you got enough sleep , you can think more clearly , think more long and more cheerful .  

More passionate sports 

 Lazy to exercise and often skipping your workout is not as tired or bored . Mostly because your body is screaming fatigue , and of course is due to lack of sleep . As a result , the fat in the body there is no burning . Well , how can weight down if you let the fats that keep piling up ?  

Affects the digestive process 

 Difficulty in bowel movements is not only caused by a lack of fiber . Body that stress often experience difficulty in bowel movements . And even stress itself is often caused by your lack of sleep . Try it on a regular basis you can sleep quality and pretty , you will not experience any bowel problems really.  

Healthier food choices 

Had enough sleep and enough energy , you will be excited as well to remember what foods should be eaten and needed by the body . Because of this energetic you will be more aware and disciplined to choose food . You will avoid junk food and remain faithful to the menu in your diet program . Not have thought it was only able to provide many positive benefits in your life ? Starting today , organize and discipline yourself to have a good night's sleep quality . Keep all the gadgets and turn off the lights so that within 2-3 minutes you will fall asleep , and wake up the next morning and be ready to run all activities .

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