Hypnobirthing, Childbirth Without Pain Popular in Japan

Hypnobirthing, Childbirth Without Pain Popular in Japan

Several Hollywood celebrities such as Jessica Alba , Miranda Kerr , Kate Middleton to choose hypnobirthing techniques in order not to feel the pain of childbirth . The method is now not only popular among celebrities but also other social woman . In Japan , hypnobirthing was popular and mostly applied to women who have recently had their first child .

Some women in Japan claimed that the hypnobirthing techniques or methods of relaxation during labor can reduce the fear and pain . This technique basically set the mind so as not to face tense labor. Such as hypno hypnotized but here refers to the arrangement of breathing , relaxation , and visualization during childbirth .

Although scientifically it is still debated , but the fact hypnobirthing has many benefits . Some women said that it makes childbirth techniques become more calm , reduce pain , relieve stress due to childbirth , to build a deeper bond with the child , to be able to reduce the frequency of a baby crying all night .

" This is a technique used to make yourself more relaxed during childbirth . I use it to calm down and kept thinking , ' pain during labor will not last long ' , " said one woman as quoted from RocketNews 24 .

Agus Wirajaya SE , S.Ag , C.Ht - QHI . , CT , as a hypnotherapist in Adi W. Gunawan Institute also said that this hipnobirthing therapy can relieve pain in addition to the mother also aims to strengthen the relationship between you and your husband . According to Agus , since it contains , women need the support of a husband who useful gain confidence and minimize fear of childbirth .

However, when a variety of domestic issues affecting women and feel burdened mind it, this technique can fail to do . Similarly, women who are too stressed ahead of labor that can not be relaxed and calm .

" There is also the cause of the failure of hypnobirthing . Firstly , because it is too analytical , too much thought , I could what baseball is yes , continue later what if failed . Secondly , the present issue kekesaran especially in the household ( domestic violence ) . Could be relaxed while doing therapy and wife ready to give birth at home but after he found trouble again with her ​​partner , the delivery process will be difficult , " said Agus quoted detikhot

Therefore , couples need to share to help his wife feel more relaxed when running therapy until the birthing process is complete . There is also a therapy that is done when hypnobirthing among others by trying to train myself to relax the mind and body to reflect learning simultaneously.

For example , replacing anxiety spawned by the later form of happiness is obtained after the baby comes in this world . Smiling and trying to relax . Play the same song on a regular basis before delivery and record in your memory .

When it began to give birth and feel pain , inhale then remember back to the song to feel more relaxed . The pain will be reduced by concentrating on breathing and the songs are recorded in your memory . This is one way that is done when hypnobirthing .

n Japan , to perform this therapy would cost approximately USD 4 million . In Indonesia hypnobirthing packages are also offered to Rp 5 million . Interested to try ?

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